Currently supervising

  • [MSc] Damis El Alami – Decay of correlations in quantum spin chains (co-supervision with Cécilia Lancien)


  • [BSc] Adrien Dubois – On monogamy-of-entanglement games (co-supervision with Mehdi Mhalla)


  • [BSc] Julius Monberg – Complexity classification of local Hamiltonian problems in quantum computation (co-supervision with Matthias Christandl)


  • [BSc] Hans Michael Christensen – State discrimination in Generalized probabilistic theories (co-supervision with Albert H. Werner)


  • [Summer student] Ujan Chakraborty – working on Finite-time corrections to Landauer’s principle (co-supervision with Michael M. Wolf)
  • [MSc] Lukas Rauber – Quantum compression and fixed points of Schwarz maps (co-supervision with Michael M. Wolf) [pdf]